Talk with a number of orthopedic surgeons in the Northern Utah area and they will tell you a large number of the patients they see during the winter months come down from our mountain’s slopes. Skiing and snowboarding produces a great number of personal injuries that lead to significant medical expenses and even missed time at work.

While some of these injuries are harmless in fault, others are at the hands of a negligent or irresponsible party. Sometimes this party includes the ski resorts themselves. And Utah isn’t the only place where ski resorts are being held liable for the safety of their visitors.

A North Carolina couple recently sued a local ski resort for negligence that cause a personal injury as the result of a slip and fall. A woman slipped and fell on a pedestrian walking area, which was unattended and did not receiving adequate grooming to prevent ice buildup. As a result, the resort’s premises are being deemed unsafe and inadequately maintained.

Winter isn’t the only time ski resorts must be responsible for the safety of their premises. It is no secret that our resorts and mountains are the home to a number of activities during the summer months. These events range from mountain biking races, trail running races to triathlons and concerts. These events do not come without their hazards and injuries either.

Resorts are now paying special attention to the conditions of their trails thanks to a lawsuit filed in Oregon. A woman broke her spine in four places when she wrecked in a race in Oregon.

Good times on the slopes or on the trail can quickly go bad. Injuries, both small and large and occur and the impact on one’s life can differ greatly. No one likes dealing with personal injuries and the financial burdens they bring.

Should you suffer an injury on the slopes or trail at a resort, it may not truly be an accident. If you feel that is the case, you should discuss your legal options with a reputable and qualified personal injury attorney.
