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With pedestrian accidents being some of the most severe, compensation is vital in the aftermath of a crash. What you can recover depends on numerous circumstances, including the cause of the accident and how the driver acted in causing damage.

Economic and Non-Economic Compensation

You can seek compensation for economic and non-economic damages as you would in any other negligence-related situation. Your economic compensation will cover any out-of-pocket expenses or monetary losses you experience because of the pedestrian accident. For instance, you can recover compensation for how much you spend on medical bills or lost wages you would have earned without the injury.

Your non-economic damages won’t have a direct monetary value. Instead, they compensate you for your ongoing pain and suffering. For instance, you can recover compensation if the injury you sustained causes you to experience a reduced quality of life.

Other Compensation You Might Recover

Depending on the situation and the state in which your accident occurred, you might be able to recover punitive damages. Sometimes referred to as exemplary damages, this type of compensation is only available after two important factors occur:

  • You can only recover exemplary damages if you receive economic compensation.
  • You must prove without a doubt that the driver acted in a malicious or grossly negligent manner.

If the two factors above ring true in your situation, you might be eligible to recover this type of compensation. Punitive damages punish the negligent party and deter others from acting in a similar manner.

When you need to seek maximum compensation, it helps to recognize your rights. Working with a lawyer to learn all about the types of compensation you might recover is never a bad idea. After all, you need someone who can use the evidence provided and knowledge of your situation to hold negligence accountable.

At Lowe Law Group, we are the trusted advocates you need. Our pedestrian accident lawyers pursue the justice you deserve. Trust that we put your best interests first throughout every step of the process. We will go above and beyond for you.

Call our firm today at (800)-319-5196.
