Types of Distracted Driving

Far too often, drivers are distracted by things that can wait. They take their attention off the road and it puts others at serious risk of a crash. There are laws that work to prevent individuals from driving distracted, yet it is still one of the most prominent problems on the road.

For individuals who have sustained injury as a result of distracted driving, it’s important to know what is actually considered a distraction. This can help in taking legal action against the responsible driver and holding them accountable for their actions.

Visual Tasks

Regardless of whether or not the driver keeps their hands on the steering wheel, there are visual distractions that may divert his or her attention from the road. It only takes a few seconds for a visual distraction to result in a serious crash.

Visual tasks while driving can include something such as checking their navigation, changing the radio station, or looking towards other individuals in the vehicle. This may also include looking into the backseat to grab an item.

Manual Actions

There are certain manual tasks that can be very dangerous and typically cause the driver to remove one or both hands from the steering wheel. The most common manual action people take includes checking a text message on their phone.

Other actions can include putting on makeup, eating, or reaching for a drink.

Cognitive Impairment

Any type of cognitive impairment is one that takes the attention and focus of the driver off driving their vehicle. This can include reading messages or articles on their cell phone, listening to music too loudly, or anything else that can impair your senses.

Did you know that being distracted for just 5 seconds while driving 55 miles per hour is enough time to travel the length of a football field? This shows how dangerous these actions are and what kind of risk they pose to others on the road.

At Lowe Law Group, our car accident lawyers work hard to help you when you’ve been injured as a result of a distracted driver. We are dedicated to your best interests so you can focus on your health and recovery while we handle the legal matters.

Call our firm at (800)-319-5196 to schedule your free consultation.
