an insurance adjuster checking the damage on a carWhen you suffer an injury in an accident, you never want to have to worry about what lies ahead. Unfortunately, as simple as they process should be, there are numerous factors that can complicate matters and make it more difficult for you to understand your rights and what comes next.

You should not have to concern yourself by dealing with the insurance company on your own. Despite the need for the insurance company to tell the truth, they often lie to claimants. For someone filing a car accident claim, it’s important to understand how they may lie to you.

Claiming That You Were At Fault

One of the biggest things to know is that as a plaintiff in a personal injury matter, you have the burden of proving the other party was responsible for the crash. The insurance company, however, may try to counter your arguments and place you as the person to blame.

They’ll try many different tactics if it means putting you at fault for the accident, so they don’t have to pay out. Overall, they’re trying to protect their profits and give you as little as possible for the damages you’ve sustained.

Claiming Your Policy Doesn’t Cover Your Damages

Many people don’t fully know or understand their insurance policy. Instead, they get the minimum and hope that it’s enough. As such, some insurance companies may try to say that your policy doesn’t cover your property damage or physical injuries.

While the insurance company is supposed to be honest with claimants, this isn’t always the case. And when they try to take advantage of the rights of the injured, they may be to blame for acting in bad faith—such as not paying out claims, delaying payments, etc.

Ourcar accident attorneys work hard to help you deal with the insurance company because we recognize their agenda. We know that they’re trying to pay out as little as possible, even when your life depends on the compensation from a car accident.

Trust that our team at Lowe Law Group is with you every step of the way and we’re ready to go above and beyond on your behalf.

Speak with an attorney today.Call (800)-319-5196.
