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The damages that metal on metal hip implant surgery causes are devastating. Howmedica Osteonics Corporations, using the trade name of Stryker Orthopaedics, agreed on November 3rd, 2014 to pay more than $ 1 billion in damages to a class of injured patients who have needed to have their hip implants removed and or replaced.

A "revision surgery" is lot to take on, it's also known as the Stryker Rejuvenate and the ABG II modular hip implants, which Howmedica denied had any negatives results but later agreed to recall in July 2012. Since July 2012, lawsuits have mounted quickly. The recall was based on the risk of corrosion and fretting, based on the company. It was argued that there was more than simple fretting was occurring and that the deterioration of the hip implant could lead to metal ions getting into the local tissue and blood stream. The obviously created a multitude of problems leading to permanent harm to the hip implant patients.

Each failed implant will settle for a base of $300,000. A chance for additional compensation is available if the patient had any complications due to the failed implant. Those additional negative complications are numerous, which means many of the effected patients may opt out.

Here is what you should do if you think you have a hip implant case

First, act quickly. The timeline is short. Each claimant must register by December 14, 2015 to be a part of the settlement pool. Payouts will happen in the summer of 2015.

Here are the eligibility requirements to take part in the hip implant class action suit:

  • You must be a U.S. citizen
  • You must have both the initial surgery and revision surgery
  • Both surgeries must have taken place in the U.S. or at a U.S. military hospital
  • The surgeries must have occurred before November 3rd, 2014

If you meet the criteria and do not have attorney representation youmust act quickly. Call Lowe Law Group today for representation and instructions on how to claim your settlement rights. Our attorneys will ensure you get the settlement you deserve.

Call us at (800)-319-5196 or fill out ouronline consultation form.
