When filing a car accident claim, you will deal with insurance adjusters who may offer you a settlement. Unfortunately, this settlement offer is most often much less than you deserve. In the rare instances you receive a good settlement offer, it’s vital to recognize what one looks like and what it should cover.
Below, we’ll help you understand what is in a reasonable settlement offer, so if you receive one, you can make the decision that helps suit your needs the best.
Does it Cover Your Medical Costs?
Make sure that the settlement offer is enough to cover all costs associated with your medical care. For instance, if you needed to have surgery to recover from your injuries, the settlement offer should cover the cost of the procedure.
Does it Cover Your Lost Income?
If you had to miss work because of your injury, odds are you lost out on some of your income. A settlement offer should cover those losses, paying you for your time out of work. A settlement should also consider your future earning potential if you must miss work for even longer.
Does it Cover Your Pain and Suffering?
Pain and suffering are some things that must be considered any time you’re pursuing compensation. How an injury impacts you should factor into the compensation you may recover, and it can increase the potential compensation you get from your claim.
Does it Cover All Losses?
Pursuing maximum compensation is one of the most important things you can do after an accident. If a settlement doesn’t consider all your losses and you don’t find it sufficient, you may negotiate the terms and seek additional compensation with an experienced lawyer’s help.
At Lowe Law Group, we want you to recognize your rights. We’ll pursue the outcome you need and deserve after someone else causes you harm. Trust in our car accident lawyers to be by your side every step of the way.