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Whether you are a business owner, a homeowner, or even a residential tenant, there may come a time where the government may force you to move due to a government buyout. Should this ever be the case, you will most likely sustain a variety of relocation expenses.

As a result, you may be eligible for relocation assistance to cover the costs of your move. The expenses you are most likely to experience which should and can be covered by government-funded relocation assistance include:

  • Moving costs of your property
  • Searching costs and expenses when looking for a new place to move
  • Re-connection costs for your personal property and equipment
  • Closing costs relating to a new property
  • Storage costs
  • Replacement licenses and permits
  • Certain costs to reestablish at the new property (including some construction costs)
  • Costs related to the purchasing of new equipment or appliances (i.e. stoves, refrigerators, etc.)
  • Costs incurred while attempting to sell personal property that is not moved
  • Costs to plan the move

Eligibility for these costs depends on if you are a business owner, a homeowner or a tenant. Often, homeowner claims can range from $30,000 to $60,000 in assistance and reimbursements. Businesses, depending on their size, can see assistance in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The key to getting relocation assistance is making thorough claims. That is where a real estate lawyer comes in. They have a clear understanding of relocation laws, and know how to ensure you are compensated for your losses.

Real estate lawyers have an extensive knowledge of federal and state statutes, as well as common law. Their expertise often overlaps with contract law, and Lowe Law Group features attorneys with experience in a variety of real estate law issues.

Given that real estate can be a complex industry, it is critical that you consult with a real estate attorney. The legal differences between cities and states can be extremely complicated, and Lowe Law Group's attorneys are well versed in many different activities, from the drafting of deeds and filing of liens to handling boundary and zoning disputes or assisting families who may be facing foreclosure.
