Whenever an accident occurs involving negligence, you will file a claim with your insurance company. Some states recognize fault, while others have no-fault insurance. While different states handle claims in their respective ways, what you need to file the claim remains the same.
Before you make the call to your insurance company, you must know what evidence you need to help give your claim the best chance of being successful. Below, you’ll learn the essential documents you need to move forward.
Insurance Information
Provide your policy number, as well as the other driver’s insurance information. You should provide the insurance company’s name, contact information, and policy number. This information allows your insurance provider to start the process of filing a claim.
Photos of the Accident
You should provide your insurance company with photos you take immediately following the car accident. The pictures you take should include:
- The scene of the crash that shows road dangers, tire marks, and other signs of negligence
- The damage both vehicles suffered, including internal and external damage
- The physical injuries you and other passengers may suffer
Photos can prove to be the most significant evidence you can have in a car accident claim.
Medical Records
If you can get a copy of your medical records to show financial losses, you should do so. Medical records show a direct loss you experience, as well as help to prove the other driver’s negligent actions caused you to sustain an injury.
When it is time to file a claim, be sure to get as much information as possible. A successful claim depends on what you can do to prove the other party’s liability. Without essential details, the insurance company may wrongfully deny your claim.
At Lowe Law Group, we work hard to help you understand your rights and options. Our car accident lawyers are here for you from start to finish to protect your rights and pursue maximum compensation on your behalf.
Contact us today at (800)-319-5196.