If you must file a car accident claim, you may worry about the possibility of your case going to trial. There’s plenty of evidence out there showing that trials are lengthy and complicated processes, often making it even more stressful for someone dealing with the physical injuries of a crash.
Going to trial may seem challenging, but there are some situations in which it is necessary. You should know why going to trial may be more beneficial for your results. Here are some of the benefits of going to trial:
Better Outcome
Insurance companies want to save money wherever they can. They offer low settlements to protect profits, but it hurts you more when you can’t afford expenses associated with the injury. The insurance company hopes that you need the money enough that you’ll accept whatever they offer.
Going to trial can help you pursue the compensation you deserve. Instead of getting the settlement the insurance company offers, you and your legal team can present crucial evidence to a jury who may be more inclined to award you maximum compensation.
Pursuing Justice
When you accept a settlement, you forfeit your right to pursue any further legal action against the defendant. When the settlement is much less than you deserve, the insurance company gets away with their tactics, and their policyholder doesn’t face accountability for his or her actions.
Going to trial brings a public spotlight to the situation. You force the insurance company and its policyholder to take responsibility for what they did. Successfully presenting your case to a jury means the insurance company must pay for your damages, and everyone will know about it.
Our team at Lowe Law Group can help you determine your options and let you know what’s best for you. Trust that we’ll guide you through the process if this is what we believe we’ll help you obtain justice and compensation.
Our car accident attorneys know when it benefits you to go to trial. We’ll do everything we can to help you understand the next steps and protect your rights along the way.
Call us today at (800)-319-5196.